Monday, June 1, 2009

Phylogenetic relationships

Phylogenetic relationships according to Vidal et al. (2007)


Phylogenetic relationships according to Macey et al. (2004)

Single most parsimonious tree based on the analysis of 11,946 aligned nucleotide positions containing 5797 phylogenetically informative sites from 13 protein coding and 22 tRNA genes. Note that Gondwanan taxa, Trogonophidae (Diplometapon), and Amphisbaenidae (Amphisbaena and Geocalamus), are monophyletic. The two Laurasian families Rhineuridae (Rhineura) and Bipedidae (Bipes) represent successive, paraphyletic basal lineages indicating that amphisbaenian reptiles predate the breakup of Pangaea 200 million years ago. Modified from Figure 4 in Macey et al. (2004).

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